
Consultation Process for the Escobal Mine Advances after Multi-Year Delay

Originally published by Maritimes Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network here. Written by: Maria Reyes and Indigo Christ After multiple delays, the first meeting of the pre-consultation process for the Escobal mine was held at the Xinka Parliament’s offices in Cuilapa, Santa

First Pre-Consultation Meeting with the Xinka People on the Escobal Mine

Originally published in Spanish by the Xinka Parliament on May 25, 2021 Indigenous Xinka authorities and the Ministry of Energy and Mines establish initial agreements regarding the pre-consultation process The first pre-consultation meeting concerning the Escobal mining license was

May 26th, 2021|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , |

Community and Environmental Concerns “Not Pertinent” to Pan American Silver’s Business

Vancouver-based mining company Pan American Silver held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 12th: the final shareholder meeting for retiring founder and Board Chair Ross Beaty. To shareholders attending online, Beaty narrated a glowing chronicle of Pan American

El legado tóxico de Canadá: Pan American Silver y el multimillonario minero Ross Beaty en América Latina

El 12 de mayo, durante la Asamblea General Anual, Ross Beaty se retiró como presidente de la junta directiva de Pan American Silver, empresa que fundó en 1994. A Beaty se le conoce en los círculos empresariales por los

Canada’s Toxic Legacy: Pan American Silver and Mining Billionaire Ross Beaty in Latin America

At Pan American Silver's Annual General Meeting of shareholders on May 12, Ross Beaty retired as chairman of the board. Beaty founded Pan American Silver in 1994 and is considered Canadian mining-industry royalty, given the millions of dollars he


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